
2012 beauty & self-esteem basics 3

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Trends in make-up and beauty technology are thrilling. Naturally, your skin changes and there’s need to adjust your skincare regime accordingly every other year.

It is also good to give your make-up routine a kick-start with new products.  Ensure that you are using the right skincare for your needs and make-up that suits your complexion.  Don’t cover your face with lots of foundation, remember less is more and try to achieve a more natural look with your make-up.  The right make-up application will go a long way towards softening wrinkles for mature skin and make you look perfect. Therefore, learn the art of makeup and make the most of your looks.


Use only one eye shadow – a medium to dark brown on your eyelids, a touch of mascara and very thin eyeliner for your daily look!

Remove make-up when going to bed to save your skin from aging fast and to help get rid of oils and dirt which can clog your pores.

Most importantly, figure out what gives you confidence!  We will give you everything you need to know to get the best skin possible. Therefore, brush up on your beauty basics… learn to see yourself in a new light and become your most beautiful ever in the year 2012!

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